Coxarthrosis is a destructive-dystrophic pathology that covers the hip joints. The disease leads to thinning of cartilage and proliferation of bone tissue, a decrease in the free space in the joint. Deformed bones that touch, rub off, and cause excruciating pain. When hip osteoarthritis develops, symptoms and treatment cannot be determined by yourself.
Self-medication, a person starts an illness, risks becoming disabled. If arthrosis of the 2nd degree hip joint is treated with conservative and popular methods, only the operation eliminates the 3-4 stage. Therefore, the treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.
The disease is divided into two types:
- Primary coxarthrosisdevelops spontaneously. The disease occurs mainly in old age. The cause are age-related destructive changes in the joints.
- Secondary osteoarthritiscauses comorbidities and excessive stress on the joints.
The causes of secondary coxarthrosis are:
- various injuries;
- lifting and carrying weights;
- insufficient physical activity;
- congenital malformations of the femoral head;
- dysplasia;
- overweight;
- metabolic disorder;
- endocrine diseases;
- hormonal imbalance;
- inappropriate nutrition;
- blood diseases;
- cartilage necrosis;
- prolonged stressful conditions;
- arthritis;
- hypothermia;
- acute respiratory diseases and other viral infections.
The deforming arthrosis of the hip joint is divided into:
- one-sided;
- double-sided.
It is often associated with osteoarthritis of the knee, a degenerative-destructive lesion of the knee joint. In this case, the course of the disease is sharply worsened. Both complaints affect the joints of the left or right leg at the same time.

Doctors differentiate between four degrees of illness. Each stage has its own distinctive features. In the early stages, the disease is of little concern. The second stage of the disease is accompanied by severe discomfort. In the later stages, the joint hurts a lot.
Character in class I
In the initial stages of development, the disease is almost asymptomatic. Patients complain of the following sensations:
- slight pain that occurs in the morning and after prolonged exertion;
- Grinding in the hip joint.
Signs of the first degree don't bother people very much, they ignore them. Although during this time it is realistic to slow down the destruction of the joints to prevent serious complications from developing. For the treatment of osteoarthritis of the 1st degree, it is enough to use folk remedies. They fight diseases effectively.
Grade II mark
In the second stage, the disease manifests itself clearly. The symptoms are as follows:
- Pain in the articulation increases with sudden movements;
- Movements are restricted after sleeping.
- Crunch is increasing.
To cure 2nd degree coxarthrosis, they use a complex therapy: they combine traditional and medical methods. This is the only way to achieve positive dynamics.
Sign III degree
In the third stage, the bursa becomes very thin. There is a proliferation of the bone tissue. In this case, the following signs are observed:
- unbearable pain does not let go;
- the crunch is so strong that it can be heard from a distance;
- movements are restricted;
- gear changed;
- Lameness occurs.

Treatment of 3rd degree hip osteoarthritis with drugs and folk remedies does not lead to the desired positive effect. The patient needs an operation.
Class IV characters
In the last phase the joint disappears. A person is deprived of the ability to move. At the same time, he suffers from severe pain that cannot be relieved by pain medication. Surgical intervention will help get rid of the disease.
If coxarthrosis flows together with gonarthrosis, the situation worsens: pain occurs in both joints at the same time. Gonarthrosis also goes through four stages of development. At 1 degree, it is treated with folk remedies. In stage 2, complex therapy is carried out. In severe cases, with a development of 3-4 degrees, the disease is treated surgically.
Conservative treatment
Patients are prescribed drugs, massages, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. Medication is done at home using:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.They suppress pain and inflammation.
- Chondoprotectors- Medicines that provide nutrition and regeneration of cartilage tissue.
- Muscle relaxants- drugs used to relieve muscle spasms and restore blood flow to the affected tissues.
- Local medicines.Prescribe ointments and gels with a warming effect. They increase blood circulation, improve tissue nutrition, and relieve pain.
- Corticosteroid injectionsinto the joint capsule. Thanks to them, it is possible to stop pain and relieve exacerbations.
- vasodilator drugs.It is easier to move nutrients through the enlarged vessels that are necessary for the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Folk remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip joint are used in combination with the listed drugs.
Folk recipes

Home treatments are used in all stages of disease development. Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with folk remedies brings significant relief. In advanced cases, when the joints are badly deformed, it is simply impossible to cure with herbal remedies, but they will reduce pain and improve well-being.
Treatment with folk remedies is effective if it is carried out regularly over a long period. Herbal extracts inhibit destructive processes in the joints, restore blood flow to the damaged joint, suppress inflammation and pain. They are treated with ointments, tinctures, decoctions, compresses and baths.
Ointments and rubs
The problem of treating osteoarthritis of the hip joint is well solved with the help of heat. After applying ointments and rubbing, the connection is covered with polyethylene, which is fixed with a warming bandage. Applications are made three times a day.
Prepare ointments and rub as follows:
- Honey is mixed with beet pulp in equal amounts, three tablespoons of vodka are added. The drug is applied to the inflamed area and fixed with a bandage.
- Fat is mixed with porridge made from nettle leaves and juniper berries. Rub the skin with ointment, isolate with a bandage.
- Nine tablespoons of finely ground, freshly picked celandine are placed in a glass, one liter of olive oil is poured. They keep it in the dark for two weeks. The hood is filtered, the joint rubbed.
- Leaves of eucalyptus, mint and aloe are taken in the same amount and ground to a mushy state. After treating the lesion with the mixture, a bandage is applied. You can add fat (petroleum jelly) to the grist.
- Take the same amount of honey, iodine, glycerin, bile and alcohol. Rub the skin in the evening.
- Prepare a mixture of kerosene and vegetable oil in 200 ml of paprika (3 pieces). Store in the dark for 1. 5 weeks. The extract is rubbed into the skin of the inflamed joint in the evening.

Packs alleviate unbearable pain. Prolonged use of compresses promotes healing.
Options for treating osteoarthritis of the hip joint with wraps:
- A mushy horseradish mass is placed on a napkin attached to the inflamed joint. The bandage is removed after 10 minutes. Wash the horseradish with water, isolate the hip joint.
- Warm healing mud (sold in a pharmacy) is applied to the lesion, covered with a film and a warming bandage is applied. Remove the application after it has cooled down.
- Hot salt (sea or table salt) is poured into a linen bag that is attached to the junction. It removes swelling and pain.
- Cabbage leaves are smeared with honey, with them the affected joint is covered, covered with polyethylene, insulated. Make two wraps a day: morning and evening. You will be treated for a month.
If symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip joint appear, the treatment is carried out with herbal and salt baths. They increase blood flow, suppress inflammation and pain. The interventions last 10–20 minutes.
Prepare baths as follows:

- 3–4 kg of freshly harvested nettles are placed in 5 liters of water and simmered over the fire for 30 minutes. The broth is filtered and poured into a bath. The procedure is carried out every two days.
- Pour 1–2 kg of salt into the bath. Treatment is carried out until the pain goes away.
- Boil 5 liters of water, add 100 g of comfrey. The infusion field is filtered and added to the bath.
- 4 pieces of Jerusalem artichoke, 1 kg of salt, 2-3 chopped fir branches, 50 g of honey, a teaspoon of turpentine are placed in a container. The mixture is poured with boiling water, let infuse. Poured into the bathtub along with the needles. The procedure is carried out every two days. You will be treated for 30 days.
Oral medication
To treat coxarthrosis, decoctions and tinctures are made. Herbs insist on alcohol, vegetable oil, and honey. Such extracts are used for internal use and for grating. They drink water extracts. Infusions and decoctions are taken on an empty stomach three times a day.
Traditional recipes are used to manufacture medicines:
- Young spruce and pine shoots are chopped. Brew half a glass of pine needles in 1 liter of boiling water. Consume 3 teaspoons. You will be treated for 30 days.
- Boil 3 liters of water, add three lemons, cut into pieces, 3 tablespoons of honey. Drink ¼ glass. The duration of treatment is three months.
- Prepare porridge from three lemons, 200 g of celery roots and 100 g of garlic. Fold in a 3 liter glass and pour boiling water under your neck. Keep warm for 12 hours. Drink 2 tablespoons for 3 months.
Coxarthrosis is a serious disease. It cannot be started and treated on its own. All treatment methods must be agreed with the doctor. The use of folk remedies and medicines will help maintain health and avoid surgery.